February 2 - Fourth after Epiphany Readings: Jeremiah 1: 4-10 Before you were formed in the womb, I set you apart. Psalm 71, 1-6 (VU p 789 Part 1): God is our fortress and sheltering rock. Readings: Luke 4: 21-30 - Jesus is driven out of Nazareth Hymn 1 - VUC 256: “O God Beyond All Praising” Hymn 2 - VUC 356: “Seek Ye First” Hymn 3 - VUC 670: “Precious Lord, Take my Hand”
February 9 - Fifth after Epiphany Readings: Isaiah 6: 1-8 (9-13) I saw God seated upon the throne. Psalm 138 (VU p 860): Do not forsake the work of your hands, O God. Readings: Luke 5: 1-11 Jesus calls Simon and James and John. Hymn 1 - VUC 315 “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty” Hymn 2 - VUC 391: “God, Reveal Your Presence” Hymn 3 - VUC 565: “Love, Who Made Me in Your Likeness”
February 16 - Sixth after Epiphany Readings: Jeremiah 17: 5-10 Those who trust in God are like trees planted by water. Psalm 1 (VU p 724): Blessed are those who follow God’s law. Readings: Luke 6: 17-26 The Beatitudes upon the plain. Hymn 1 - VUC 222: “Come, Let us Sing” Hymn 2 - VUC 255: “The Living God be Praised” Hymn 3 - VUC 708: “My Lord, What a Morning”
February 23 - Seventh after Epiphany Readings: Genesis 45: 11, 15 Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers. Psalm 37: 1-11, 39-40 (VU p 763): Do not fret; trust in God. Readings: Luke 6: 27-38 Love your enemies, be merciful. Hymn 1 - VUC 267: “Like a Mighty River Flowing” Hymn 2 - VUC 684: “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” Hymn 3 - VUC 704: “God Give Us Life”