Eastertime begins as a 40 day journey with many traditions along the way. But not everyone knows where these traditions came from. Why 40 days? Why purple? Why the word LENT? (Answers at the bottom--no cheating now!)
Q1. Why is it called Lent?
It refers to a long journey
It means "to support"
It means "to lengthen"
It means "Spring"
Q2. Why do we associate the colour purple with Easter?
It is symbolic of royalty
It is symbolic of mourning
Both 1 and 2.
Q3. Why is Lent 40 days long?
40 Days was a random choice.
40 days is how long Jesus had leading up to his crucifixion
40 days commemorates Jesus' journey of prayer in the desert.
Q4. True or False? Lent is actually 46 days long if you include Sundays.
Q5. What do Christians traditionally do to celebrate the Lenten season?
Fasting and abstinence
Prayer and contemplation
Acts of giving and generosity
All of the above
Q6. What kind of ashes are used in Ash Wednesday services?
Wood ash
Paper ash
Palm branch ash
Q7. What celebration comes before Ash Wednesday?
Pancake Tuesday
Mardi Gras
Shrove Tuesday
All of the above
Q8. Palm Sunday is the Sunday prior to Easter. What other name does it have?
Passion Sunday
Holy Week Sunday
Branch Sunday
All of the above
Q9. The day before Good Friday is called?
Washing Thursday
Beggars Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Mandy Thursday
Q1. "4" is the right answer, but you might also be right for "3", because Spring is a time where the days lengthen and the word has roots in both Spring and Lengthen.
Q2. "3" is correct.
Q3. "3" is correct. 40 Days is a symbolic number made throughout the Bible, and it is believed used symbolically more than factually in referencing the time Jesus spent in his journey leading up to his arrival in Jerusalem.
Q4. TRUE. Sundays are not included in the reference to "40 days of LENT.
Q5. "4". Christian Churches follow different paths during LENT, but their activities are a reflection of the season.
Q6. "3". Traditionally, some churches use the palm crosses from the previous Easter which are burned and used on Ash Wednesday.
Q7. "4". This day is used to mark the end of festivities and the beginning of mediation and mourning.
Q8. "1". Palm Sunday is the first day of holy week, and commemorates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. The story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and then of his passion — betrayal, arrest, torture and interrogation, and crucifixion as a criminal — form an essential part of the Christian story.
Q9. "3". Maundy Thursday marks the activities of the Last Supper, which features Jesus washing the feet of his disciples in a gesture of humility.
Q10. TRUE. Good Friday is not generally recognized as well as Christmas, however its significance in the Christian community is considered the ultimate act of love and sacrifice to save us all.