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2020 Goal: $63,000.00 To Feb 28: $9,500
Valois United December 2019 Newsletter Nakonha:ka Regional Council Newsletter Jan 29 2020 History of the United Church of Canada What's Coming UP: March 6: World Day of Prayer March 14: Book, Bake & Craft Sale 10 am to 12:30 pm April 4: Ham Supper 6 pm April 12: EASTER Sunday 10 am May 2: Spring Rummage & Bake Sale 9 am to noon |
Calendar of Events and ServicesFEBRUARY CALENDAR
February 2 (Sun): 10:00 Services February 9 (Sun): 10 am Services February 16 (Sun): 10 am Services February 23 (Sun): 10 am Services MARCH CALENDAR March 1 (Sun): 10:00 am Services March 6 (Fri): World Day of Prayer March 8 (Sun): 10 am Services March 14 (Sat): Book, Bake & Craft Sale 10:00 am to 12:30 pm March 15 (Sun): 10 am Services March 22 (Sun): 10 am Services APRIL CALENDAR April 4 (Sat): Ham Supper 6 pm April 5 (Sun): 10 am Services PALM SUNDAY April 11 (Fri): Good Friday Services April 12 (Sun): 10 am Services EASTER SUNDAY with communion April 19 (Sun): 10 am Services April 26 (Sun): 10 am Services MAY CALENDAR May 2 (Sat): Spring Rummage & Bake Sale, 9 am to noon 203 BUS STOP |
In the NEWS:
![]() EASTER-TIME IS A FAMILY AFFAIR Easter isn't a single day, it's many weeks of Lenten Activities. Visit our EASTER tab to find fun crafts, recipes and activities you can try from now, right up to EASTER! Roof Fundraising UPDATE:
We are into our final campaign for fundraising--our goal, to completely pay off our $63,000 loan by December 2020. We can't do it alone, if you can help, please click on our ROOF button, or drop by the church and look for our pink envelopes marked BUILDING FUND. Your support can come too by visiting our church events: keep an eye for dates and times on this website, and on our Facebook page. Handmade Quick Quilts
Our quick quilting club makes beautiful quilts from baby sizes to Queen sizes throughout the year. If you are interested in purchasing one for yourself, or as a gift for someone special, these one-of-a-kind quilts are available for sale Sunday mornings at coffee time or Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 at the church. You can also call 514-695-5014 for an appointment. Prices range from $25.00 to $50.00 for sizes from baby to queen. Cans & Bottles:
Our Youth group collects money year-long for YOUTH UPLIFTMENT, a local charity. Drop off box is on the stage in Fellowship Hall. Click HERE for details about this worthy cause. Eyeglasses and Stamps
In 2019 we donated 37 pairs of glasses! Please consider donating your used prescription glasses, or used stamps (cut a 1/4 inch border around them)--we support causes that benefit greatly from these donations. Thank you! Non-Perishable Food:
We collect food donations all year long, and specifically for local families at Christmas. You can drop off food donations at the back of the church. Online Education Webinars![]() Sacred Space Online Learning
We thought you might enjoy this website, an online learning center dedicated to providing a wide range of spiritual, religious, and faith-based resources in the form of online classes, live webinars, on-demand webinars or lectures, online book studies, and virtual retreats. The materials found within SSOL come from a variety of spiritual, religious and faith-based organizations. Many of these online offerings are open to a wide range of participants and each of them offers a unique perspective on various topics. Some are free, others include a fee. |